Improvements for Porting Orders
On June 21, 2021, several port ordering features in the Atlas customer lifecycle management portal will be updated to improve user experience and functionality.
These updates include:
Notes for Port Order Updates Now Required
New Porting Help Link
Reminder Emails for Port Orders
Port Order Cancellations
48 Hour Warning for Port Orders
Mandatory Fields for Port Orders
Toll-Free Port Ordering
Notes for Port Order Updates Now Required
When updating a port order in Atlas, a new Notes section has been added to the bottom of the update entry page above the Update button. A note must be included with your update and provide as much information as possible about what you're updating. This helps the porting team verify the intent of your update changes.
New Porting Help Link
A help link is now available in Atlas in the LNP (Local Number Porting) tab. Clicking this will open a help article explaining how to use the LNP features.
Reminder Emails for Port Orders
When a port order has Firm Order Commitment (FOC), reminder emails will be sent to the configured Atlas LNP contact on the following interval:
Three days before the FOC date (giving you time to make changes before the last 48 hours when no FOC date or time changes are allowed)
One day before the FOC date
Morning of the FOC date
Each day after if the port order has not been triggered or the port has not automatically completed
Please remember if you chose On-Demand and did not activate your port on the FOC date, your port order could get cancelled or any attempt to trigger the port could fail. Do not miss your on-demand FOC date.
Port Order Cancellations
A new icon has been added to the Actions column in the LNP tab in Atlas.

The “X” icon can be used on any port order which is not already pending cancellation or already canceled. When clicking the cancel icon, the following note will pop up. Canceling an order cannot be reversed. Additionally, any numbers on a canceled order could take up to 24 hours before being available for use on another port order.

48 Hour Warning for Port Orders
Once FOC has been received for a port order, the FOC date cannot be changed if the current date and time are within 48 hours of the received FOC date and time. An error message will now explicitly state you are in the 48-hour window. A ticket must be opened to request any order updates at this point.
Mandatory Fields for Port Orders
When updating a port order in the LNP tab in Atlas, selecting a number on the right will pull back most data needed for a port order. When multi-selecting a group of numbers, you must fill out all necessary information that will be applied as an update for all selected numbers. Any mandatory fields are now checked and the update cannot be completed without entering any mandatory data.
Toll-Free Port Orders
Toll-free port orders can now be submitted in Atlas in the LNP tab. Either choose Bulk Port or Customer LNP Order as your first option, then choose Toll-Free Number(s). Toll-free number ports must be submitted separately from regular phone number ports. The only option when submitting a toll-free port is to upload the required LOA (Letter of Authorization) form, which must be attached to any toll-free port order. Once the LOA is uploaded, review and submit the order request. Toll-free numbers will still need manual triggering, so please open a ticket when the number should be ported.