May 2022 UCaaS Enhancements for Atlas

Product Changes and Fixes

On May 23rd, additional feature changes and fixes will be added to the Atlas customer lifecycle management portal to improve user experience and functionality.


Account Level Suspend

A new feature is being introduced to simplify the process for administrators to suspend all voice services on Enterprise and Residential customers. The option can be found in the Customers tab in Features and Services.

Inbound and Outbound calling will be disabled for all services with calls being redirected to a voice prompt. Once a customer account is suspended, the button will change to Restore Customer. NOTE: Billing will continue on suspended accounts until services have been canceled.

Partner Branding Change to CNAME For Portal URLs

In Partner Setup in the Branding section, today we provide an IP Address to point a DNS A-record for your branded Enterprise and Residential portals. An update to Partner Branding is being made to change from A-record to CNAME for your portal URLs. This offers additional enhancements over using the single A record and partners are encouraged to begin updating to use a CNAME record with the FQDNs noted in Partner Setup.


Order Creation Fix 

Update to correct an issue when entering an order on an existing customer whose name contains an apostrophe.